With the smell of spring around the corner and trees starting to bud, the Highlands of Tabor enjoyed a quiet two days. Kajirus and Kajira alike busied themselves in and about the village, of course eyes peeled for any new arrivals. The kajira and the strange Master have gone, all that remains of a days past intrusion is one slave's bruises but he is on the mend and back to pleasing his Master.
Not sure why but it has been relayed to me, that a certain Master had his backside rubbed with bosk grease to aid in the removal of unwanted creatures that seemed to invade a home. This action I have been told did rid the creatures, but only by the Master running to the docks with everyone of them in chase jumping and scratching to lick at his bum. The Master's act of leaping into the ferry, caused them to drown in the drink, however the scent of bosk grease still followed the Master's trail for hours.
We have three new kajirus to aid in maintaining and defending our village and the great city of Tabor. Please welcome the new ones and help them in any way you can for they are all new to Gor and slightly nervous. Soon I am sure there will be a great evening of entertainment and serving in our tavern.
The weeks end looks promising full of fun and frolic for all the citizens of Tabor, there is a dance in the Highlands on Saturday, a dance in Tabor on Sunday and a progressive dinner on Saturday. I have no idea of what a progressive dinner might be, rumor is thou it is a time where many descend on one's homestone all at one time, eat and drink your supplies, then leave without anyone cleaning up, sounds delightful for the guests but a nightmare for the slaves.
Excitement is a buzz, there is to be a ball at the overseer's castle on Saturday, many slaves have been practicing for some form of entertainment.................
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