Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Lack Luster Day

With the smell of spring around the corner and trees starting to bud, the Highlands of Tabor enjoyed a quiet two days.  Kajirus and Kajira alike busied themselves in and about the village, of course eyes peeled for any new arrivals.  The kajira and the strange Master have gone, all that remains of a days past intrusion is one slave's bruises but he is on the mend and back to pleasing his Master.
Not sure why but it has been relayed to me, that a certain Master had his backside rubbed with bosk grease to aid in the removal of unwanted creatures that seemed to invade a home.  This action I have been told did rid the creatures, but only by the Master running to the docks with everyone of them in chase jumping and scratching to lick at his bum.  The Master's act of leaping into the ferry, caused them to drown in the drink, however the scent of bosk grease still followed the Master's trail for hours.
We have three new kajirus to aid in maintaining and defending our village and the great city of Tabor.  Please welcome the new ones and help them in any way you can for they are all new to Gor and slightly nervous.  Soon I am sure there will be a great evening of entertainment and serving in our tavern.
The weeks end looks promising full of fun and frolic for all the citizens of Tabor, there is a dance in the Highlands on Saturday, a dance in Tabor on Sunday and a progressive dinner on Saturday.  I have no idea of what a progressive dinner might be, rumor is thou it is a time where many descend on one's homestone all at one time, eat and drink your supplies, then leave without anyone cleaning up, sounds delightful for the guests but a nightmare for the slaves.
Excitement is a buzz, there is to be a ball at the overseer's castle on Saturday, many slaves have been practicing for some form of entertainment.................

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Misunderstood Hospitality

It was a calm rather quiet day around the village square. Many had gone into Tabor proper, no Master or Mistress was to be found wandering about with slaves in tow, dragging purchases from the Market.
A Kajiras was studying scrolls in the old mill house, or so he said when silence was broken by his sister screaming down the hill, "brother come quick, there is a kajira alone in the village square".  Half amused, thinking it might be a Panther hungry for ramberry pie,  the kajirus traveled back to the square with his sister, to find a kajira not quite sure going by the name of Maijidah.
After moments of questions and attempts to calm the kajiua down, it was determined that her Master left her in the square, a white silk by her stance, alone and confused, commanding she stay put.  Knowing nightfall was approaching,
The Highland slaves gave her two options after finding out she was staying in Scimitar.  One she could sit there all night and wait or two, come into the kennels until her Master returned.  It was learned the girl was in tow with her Master by the name of Brazen and his associate by the name of Hariass something from Ar.  All staying within the walls of Scimitar.
She chose the kennel option, sister aided in securing her within a cage while brother went to rummage through his Master's pantry seeking out food for the girl.  Finding a piece of bosk meat and a small bowl of sul he returned to the kennel and shoved the bowl through the bars.  With the appetite of a field slave working in fields of Sa-Tarna the girl ate the meat not touching the sul, when asks she replied, her kind do not eat of the earth.  The kajirus remembered something about wheels and wagons.
Both confident the girl could not get out, they left for assorted tasks, leaving the wooden shutters open in case the Master did reappear.  Hours later it seems with the girl still caged a shout rang out around the village, "Maijidah are you here".  In a panic two brothers, having been sitting with the girl rushed to open the cage door to allow the girl to run back into the square where her Master had left her, too late!
The Master came rumbling up the dock hill and into the square seeing the girl make way to the Pavilion and leashed her.  When asked why she had moved, a kajirus replied he had moved her to safer quarters.  Without hesitation the Master came at  knocked the kjirus about and then brazed him with his sword, I have heard tell that other brothers were witness to the event, needless to say The Mistress Green was fetched to attend to wounds after the Master left the village with his cargo in tow.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happenings About The Highlands

I sit and ponder the last few days in the Highlands of Tabor.  Drifting off to sleep, I re account the days events as the wind picks up outside,  a sign that spring is nearly approaching.
There were a few visitors about the village off and on throughout weeks end, none more mysterious that the Master asking about a task he was given by one of the Highland residents never truly revealed who that may have been.  I overheard discussion of a sleen and to where it may be found.
The slave in correspondence with this Master, refereed to sleen most often laying about on rocks at the high point of day, then hunting at night for prey.  What all this meant I can not say.
A new resident of The Highlands was welcomed Master Colbias, he was given a tour of the great city of Tabor and received his application for citizenship and warrior status in the red caste of Tabor to be filed in the scribery.  Please welcome him when you see him.
One interesting event do however cause some to laugh and many to gasp during mid day on Saturday.  It appears that two slaves, Null and Tiger finding,  thought to test their artistic abilities on the front door of the castle belonging to Master Rock and Master Fourleaf.
With containers of half used paint and brushes thrown about, Lady Yasminda and Master Monk admired the two's handy work.  Strokes of purple, red, yellow, blue and green stripes upon the huge gate doors radiated in the afternoon sunlight.  None the less the owners were not pleased with the slaves' attempt at beautification.
One has to grin at the Outlaw Vimmer enjoying a fresh piece of ramberry pie with whipped bosk cream and a spiked blackwine in the tavern early morning on Saturday.  Its not so much Vimmer having a little libation at an early hour, but her chosen way to offer  whipped bosk cream to the slave Null, lips are sealed on that one.